Wednesday, 12 March 2025



2024年11月21日 午後4時から午後9時


UC San Diego Park & Market
1100 Market St, San Diego, CA 92101





• パネルディスカッション: サステナビリティと文化保存に関する先住民族リーダーの洞察を共有。

• 文化パフォーマンス: 伝統音楽やダンス、ストーリーテリングを楽しむ。

• アートと展示: 先住民族のアートや工芸品、バーチャルリアリティ体験の展示。

• 伝統料理: 各先住民族の本格的な料理を味わえる特別な機会。

• 映画上映: 環境保護をテーマにした受賞作品『We Are Guardians』などを上映。

• 沖縄からの特別ゲスト:金城浩二氏は、1998年より珊瑚の養殖と海洋生態系の再生に尽力し、海洋保護活動を広めています。彼の貴重なプロジェクトについてお話しいただきます。


イベントの最後には、沖縄出身のシンガーソングライターGrace Aimiさん、金城政信民謡研究所、安谷屋和美民謡研究所の方々が、沖縄の音楽とダンスを披露します。


大人: $20
学生: $10

オンラインでのご登録: で事前にご登録いただき、ぜひこの貴重なイベントにご参加ください。



Indigenous Heritage Week 2024: The 1st Sustainable Design Forum

Date & Time:

November 21, 2024, from 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM


UC San Diego Park & Market
1100 Market St, San Diego, CA 92101

Hosted by the San Diego International Sister Cities Association

Join Us for a Celebration of Indigenous Culture and Sustainability

Experience the wisdom, creativity, and heritage of indigenous leaders from around the globe, including representatives from the U.S., Mexico, Kenya, Australia, Brazil, and Japan. This first-ever Sustainable Design Forum offers a unique platform to explore traditional knowledge and future-oriented projects that honor the past while forging paths for a sustainable tomorrow.

Event Highlights

• Panel Discussions: Insights from Indigenous leaders on sustainability and cultural preservation.

• Cultural Performances: Enjoy traditional music, dance, and storytelling.

• Art & Exhibits: Discover indigenous art, craft displays, and virtual reality experiences.

• Traditional Cuisine: Taste authentic dishes representing various indigenous cultures.

• Film Screening: Watch award-winning films, including We Are Guardians, highlighting environmental stewardship.

• Special Guest from Okinawa: Mr. Koji Kinjo, a pioneer in coral cultivation and marine ecosystem restoration, will share his inspiring coral reef regeneration project, which has enhanced marine biodiversity and raised awareness about ocean conservation since 1998.

Musical Performance

The evening will conclude with a heartfelt musical performance by Grace Aimi, a singer-songwriter from Okinawa, alongside Ayataya Folk Group and Ryukyu Folk Dance, celebrating Okinawan music and dance.


Adults: $20
Students: $10

Reserve Your Spot Online:

Register at to secure your place at this enriching event.

(Published in the November 1, 2024 issue)