「東方宝箱 Oriental Treasure Box」夏の大セール開催中!
Just a reminder that our annual Summer Sale continues through the ENTIRE MONTH of June!
Please come in for HUGE discounts on all merchandise through Tuesday June 30th!
The sale will also apply to items on our website! https://www.orientaltreasurebox.com
Gallery Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 11:00am - 5:00pm (closed Mondays)
8250 Vickers Street, Suite C, San Diego, CA 92111
Per San Diego County health guidelines:
- Customers & employees must wear masks or face coverings at all times
- People should maintain at least 6 feet social distance (exception for cashier taking payment)
- All persons should avoid physical contact such as handshakes
- Anyone feeling unwell or with symptoms such as fever or cough must not enter premises
- We will enforce a limit of 6 customers in the store at a time
If you are in the San Diego area we would love to see you in the gallery soon!
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昨年12月、カーニーメサに移転オープンしたサンディエゴで唯一の日系アンティークショップ「東方宝箱 Oriental Treasure Box」 が、11月15日(金)から17日(日)までの3日間、「Autumn Sale」を開催します。
全商品、最大50% OFFのお得な割引価格でお買い求めいただけます。
ショップのロケーションは、Vickers St と Mercurity St 近くのオフィスパーク内。
2006年にオーシャンビーチ アンティーク ディストリクトに移転。
Oriental Treasure Box
8250 Vickers St., #C, San Diego, CA 92111
phone: 858-277-1111
Tue - Sun 11am - 5pm