Friday, 26 July 2024

An Endless Journey

An Endless Journey

mexcan_big.gifIt seemed that our bathroom had been leaking water downstairs.

A plumbing specialist came to fix the leakage. Removing the tiles, the guy skillfully finished his job. For an American, he is very deft. He told us that another person would come the next day to place new tiles and paint the walls. Hoping that the next day’s visitor would be as skillful as the plumbing guy, I went to bed and slept well.

On the second day, a Mexican young man came. While I was casually checking his job, he asked me where to place a tile. It appeared that he was even puzzled by the markers that the skillful plumber had put the day before. He seemed exhausted while deciphering the markers. Ten minutes later, he said, “See you tomorrow,” and left.

On the third day, he worked for about ten minutes, and said, “See you tomorrow.”

On the fifth day, while I expected the job would be done soon, he said again, “That’s it for today. I’ll be back in two weeks. I’ll be on vacation, starting tomorrow. See you!” Then he disappeared.

...A month has passed since then. Are you still continuing your endless journey?

Roppongi Hills